Monday, September 23, 2013

Quiltspeak: Online abbreviations for quilters

I love online abbreviations.  In their way, B4 and gr8 and n2 are tackling the problem of unpredictable spelling that has plagued writers of the English language since before the first Musquetoe bit Merriwether Lewis*.

Acronyms are another story.  They can be impossible to figure out.  I recently saw a list of quilter acronyms that's so useful I just had to share it with you.  

Who couldn't love SABLE, for "Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy?" I think my favorite, though, is "WOMBAT."  
 BOB - Black on Black 
 BOM = Block of the Month 
 DSM = Domestic Sewing Machine 
 FART = Fabric Acquisition Road Trip 
 FOB = Fear of Binding 
 FQ = Fat Quarter 
 HST = Half-Square Triangle 
 LA = Longarmer 
 LAQ= Long Arm Quilter 
 LQS = Local Quilt Shop 
 MAQ = Mid-Arm Quilter 
 OBW = One Block Wonder 
 OPAM = One Project a Month 
 PhD = Projects Half Done 
 PIGS = Projects in Grocery Sacks 
 PP = Paper Piecing 
 QAYG = Quilt As You Go 
 QST = Quarter Square Triangle 
 RR = Round Robin 
 SABLE = Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy 
 SEX = Stash Enhancing eXperience (or eXcursion) 
 SID = Stitch In the Ditch 
 SnW = Stack and Whack    
 Squishy = Mailing envelopes full of fabric swaps/gifts
 STASH = Special Treasures All Secretly Hidden  
 TGIF = Thank God It's Finished!  
 TOT = Tone-on-Tone 
 UFO = UnFinished Object 
 VIP = Very Important Project 
 WHIMM = Works Hidden In My Mind 
 WIP = Work In Progress 
 WISP = Work In Slow Progress 
 WWIT = What Was I Thinking 
 WOF = Width of Fabric 
 WOMBAT = Waste of Money, Batting, and Time 
 WOW = White On White
I'm not sure where the list got started; I got it from a post on  

Please contact me if you know of any more abbreviations and I'll add them to the list. 


*In fact, I hear that it was John Clark who invented 19 different spellings of the word. 

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